Sunday, August 31, 2008

Cal Bears Football

I had a glorious evening last night. I joined up with the Cal Alum at the Sign of the Whale in DC - rather close to where I live.

Why would I do this you ask?

To watch our first football game of the season of course!

They were loud, obnoxious and seriously fun. The bar was PACKED with Cal fans and that just made it incredible. It was like being back in Memorial Stadium... but not.

We sang Cal songs (I need to brush up - how could I forget the drinking song?! Maybe I wasn't drunk enough... Mom will be happy about that...), ate wings, drank beer and delighted in a Bear win over the Michigan State Spartans.

I even met up with somebody I haven't seen in years! He and I kept looking at each other, wondering, knowing we somehow know each other, but... so we started chatting and realized we were in CalSERVE together (party/activist group on campus). So we're going to go ahead and be nutty together at games as we're both rather effusive people.

Upshot is: viewing parties are going to be awesome and I think this joining of the Cal Alum will work out quite well.


Monday, August 25, 2008

One week...

Until the impending doom of school.

I'm kidding! I am looking forward to it immensely. I've been dragging my feet a bit since my mother left a week and a half ago, being a lazy bum and getting very little done. I finally got off my rear-end, am at Starbucks (gee, how things change...) and taking a break from, gasp, working!

My apartment is actually set up! Well, ok, I'll tell the truth. MOSTLY set-up (my mother is going to cry when she reads that line). I'm still finishing up little things, like getting out my change of address cards, which, of course, take up the entire floor of my living room... or should they not? ;)

In the next few weeks, things I need to remember to get. Real spoons. This might seem odd, but all of my spoons are MASSIVE. It's rather difficult to eat cereal and yogurt with oversized spoons, so I am rather looking forward to having a normal sized utensil. Blank cd's to save work on - new computer means I'd like to not plug up the hard drive too soon. I'm sure there were a couple of other things - but I've promptly forgotten, me being me.

My first half day alone after taking mom to the airport brought a wonderful experience... I had food poisoning. Welcome to DC! Two days later, I proceed to trip up a set of marble stairs. My left knee now looks like somebody took a bat to it. Clearly, I am proceeding with my usual grace and elegance.

I'm starting to meet people, make friends, do things. Since I've been here, I've been to an O's game (Orioles... Major League Baseball...), been to Wolftrap (an outdoor music venue) where I saw a compilation of performers singing music off the Beatles Sgt. Pepper album and found the DSW! Was I ever excited to find that! Of course, that was at the end of a rather uneventful date and, clearly, the highlight of the evening (not that it wouldn't be the highlight any other time of course).

All in all, things are rolling along and any concerns any of us may have had, are going to waste (luckily!)

Now back to work, study for my personal training exam (I'm not sure I'll be ready by Friday... whoops) and hanging out in my lovely little apartment that is MOSTLY picked up.

And yes, I've been a delinquent working out too. Maybe it's time to stop being a delinquent. Yes, mom, that includes erasing that MOSTLY and saying my apartment is as neat as a whistle.

Until we meet again through the wonderful world of on-line blogging,

Keep the peace.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Moving Day and On

Talk about the pain in the ass of the century. The stuff was heavy, dad and I both managed to drop stuff on us and talk about missing Mikey and Dan both. They would have been insanely helpful.

I may be going into Women's Studies, but now I realize the use of men - grunt work.

Since moving day, the apartment has been mostly put together. We've made more trips to Target, Bed, Bath & Beyond and Best Buy than I really want to remember. Once everybody's gone and I'm able to just settle, I'm sure I'll get a much better sense of how I feel about this whole situation. Until then though, it's all rather discombobulated and confusing.

I will say that I feel like a human being again. I got my hair done, got my nails back on and talk about the wonders of these two small acts. Everything is just a little bit better now.

Today is a day for buying a new camera (again), doing some work (under deadline), studying and getting things ready to send out. Mom wants to see Mama Mia, so that will be on tap for today as well.

This week will be spent starting to get into the swing of things, mom will be here until Thursday, so my actual routine will start next week.

Until then... I'll be back when there's more to report and when I can figure out how to add pics to share.

Drive Day #4

It's been a few days since I have seen the inside of a car for a long-distance trip - which I am forever grateful for. I've needed these days to get over the drive and distance.

Day 4 was relatively uneventful. We left super late, only to realize my mother left her flat-iron in Nashville and I left my brand-new camera in Nashville (talk about painful and talk about a breakdown). There will be a letter written to the hotel as the person who cleaned our room clearly did not have the integrity to return our products, which would have been appropriate.

Regardless, what's done is done. Everybody made it safe and sound and we cannot ask for much more.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Drive Day #3

I am finally writing at the end of the day!!! Go figure that I can finally make this happen.

Truck incident number three is an UPS truck essentially cutting me off and almost running me off the road. I royally disliked UPS to begin with, I now REALLY don't like them. Therefore, I'll stick with FedEx.

The ride itself was uneventful. We went straight through Arkansas (lots of... land...) and into Tennessee. A funny town in TN? Bucksnort in Hickman County. I kid you not.

Dad has been quite excited because he discovered what Mom and I call the NASCAR trick. He tucks in behind a truck going 75 mph (which is all he can go in his little Penske truck), and gets great mileage because he sits in the draft of the truck. I'm not entirely certain of the dynamics of how this all works, but finally Dad watching all those races counts for something.

We ended up in Nashville. My mom's cousin and her husband drove down from Kentucky to visit us and it was quite enjoyable. We went wandering through downtown and took tons of funny pictures (not all on my camera). As soon as I can get pictures uploaded... and can figure out how to post them here... then I'll share. Me in a cowboy hat is oh so sexy... really... heck, even I don't believe myself. I had a great time going through all the stuff and had much fun laughing. It was fun being a tourist. I got a Christmas present for a friend and a couple of souvenirs for myself, including two pairs of cowboy boots! No, they're not the bright red, pointy toe kind. They're MUCH more sedate, but still look great under a pair of jeans and Dad swears that they're all I'll wear in the winter. Excellent!

I'm looking forward to finishing this drive up. While we've had some excellent times, I'm ready to get there and get this party started.

And my butt will thank me upon arrival I'm sure.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Drive Day #2

This drive day was not quite as eventful as yesterday's - thankfully!

The big news of the day was the drive through the panhandle of Texas. Now, I must note that in our family, Texas is known as Tex-Ass. If you're from there or have an affinity for it, I do apologize, but... while in my collegiate career, Cal was about to go to the Rose Bowl and the coach of University of Texas complained so much and sweet-talked the Texas reporters so much, that Texas ended up at the Rose Bowl and we ended up at a shit bowl (which, yes, we did lose, because, hey now, we deserved to be at the big one and who wants to play well against a nobody?). Anyways, I hold a grudge against all things Tex-Ass (except for one of my best friends who's currently residing there).

But it was while in Tex-Ass that I was reminded of a story from Drive Day #1. Mom and I are driving along, me in the drivers seat, probably still in Zona or maybe in NM. Mom's talking about something or other (I lose track), when I spot animals up ahead. To which I yell, essentially at the top of my lungs, BOVINE! You can just hear my mother thinking, "What the ****?!". It was a moment - I mean, who does that? They're cows, but apparently I thought otherwise at the moment. (Yes, bovine are cows, but who actually refers to them as such?)

There have been many interesting factoids and streets that we've driven past. For instance, we've driven past the hometowns of Garth Brooks, Carrie Underwood, Brian Urlacher, Troy Aikman and Susan Powell (Miss America, 1981). Then there have been roads like Shinarump Drive in Zona. Can you imagine living on Shinarump Drive?! Clearly, there are moments when I can act like I'm two again and seeing this road sent me straight back, thinking of all the ways I'd tease a friend who lived on this particular street - not that any of my friends would...

Oklahoma City turned out to be quite nice. We, of course, somehow got a bit lost making our way to the hotel, so ended up at some lake. It was a lovely sight to which we then figured out where we were going. I was rather surprised at how green Oklahoma is, expecting to be desolate like New Mexico. Mama kept talking about how nice it might be to live on one of the lakes of Oklahoma - as it's just so beautiful. I reminded her of a little mother nature phenomenon called tornados. She grew up with them, but regardless - they're much more prevalent in OK, then in her little area of Iowa.

We're currently mid-way through Drive Day #3 and yes, there will be stories from today.

I'll give you a hint to whet your appetite - it involves trucks!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Drive Day #1

Well, drive day #1 came to a close around 8:00 p.m. last night. It was an interesting, amusing and seriously boring day to say the least.

Dad pulled out about an hour after estimated departure time at 9:00 a.m. (yes, we were planning to leave at 8:00 a.m.... rrriiiggghhhttt). Mom and I, on the other hand, didn't make it out until 10:30 a.m. It's not my fault we packed all my nightclothes and didn't account for a trip! So, rush to Target we did (fastest Target trip of my life!).

Mama started out as, I'll admit it, I couldn't afford a California speeding ticket - I've already gotten one recently. Whoops. I'll risk one in another state as it just might not follow me back to CA. She did an excellent job starting out and then I took over for a while. In the period of time in which I drove, I had two lovely truck incidences.

The first being: I look in my rearview mirror and see a truck coming up. I'm in the left lane, behind another car, passing a truck, so not entirely certain why this truck is hauling some serious rear-end. And then there's the grill filling my entire rearview mirror, this guy is seriously about an inch away from shooting me up the highway. I start tailing the guy in front of me, who sees what's going on and is speeding up, the FedEx truck next to us slows down and both the other car and I get over real quickly. Mama and I took down his trucking company and his plates to report as that was just freaky!!!

The second incidence was quite scary as well, but normal and it was not malicious in any way - he simply didn't look down to see dinky me. We're driving along when it tells us that in a mile, we're moving down to one lane as they're ostensibly doing road work (um, haven't seen evidence of road work yet, although there have been a whole lot of signs with nothing to show for it), so the truck decides to get over... while I'm right next to him. I literally had to pull onto the shoulder, honk my horn and slow down. I scared the living daylights out of him with the horn honk, but what can you do? I didn't want him to finish coming over when half my car is still in the lane!

So that's that. We went through a chunk of California, through Arizona and stopped for the night in New Mexico - Gallup, New Mexico to be exact. On this route I discovered that there are some armpits to this country - meaning absolute wastes of space that are simply butt-ugly.

Mama and I continue to try to figure out what these folks do on a daily basis. The best I can come up with is that they sit on their booties at night (maybe they work?) and drink - what else would you WANT to do in an armpit?

Back to drive day #2 where we'll finish out New Mexico, go through the panhandle of Texas and into Oklahoma. I'm sure there'll be a story or two for you then.