So here's the story from beginning to end, i.e. last night up until now. I'll try not to bore you TOO much.
Last night work went late, more than an hour late. Imagine my displeasure with THAT! I ran by the store to get some oatmeal and a couple of bananas, plus a little pasta. It was a bit late for carbs, but was told to do it, so I did it. Maybe that helped today??? Regardless, I finally made it home, ate and changed into my pj's for the night.
Yes, I agree. I looked like cotton candy ice cream.
~Insert dirty jokes here~
I woke up at about 5 this morning on my own. I had intended to sleep until 5:45, but managed to lay quietly until then. As soon as my alarm went off, I shot out of bed. I forced myself to calm down by eating my oatmeal and reading for a few minutes.

Then I bopped on my way to brush my teeth, put my hair up, get my heart rate monitor on, fish my sports bra out of the dryer (word of the wise: old sports bras respond like jeans - they tighten in the wash - OUCH), and so on. I have to tell you. I looked pretty good. I felt pretty good. That's a dirt faced lie. I felt sexy as all get out. Yes, in little workout clothes, because both the pants and shirt that I was wearing are SMALLER than I have been. Oh yah baby.
I was definitely on the nervous side, so feeling that good was a plus.
Why was I nervous??? Heck if I know! My only goal was to finish and preferably not last. I would have considered myself a goddess if I finished under 45 minutes or, whoa, beat my personal best of 44:45. Yah, yah, I'm a slowpoke. Deal with it.
I get there, I wandered around. I thought of my fellow sparkers running today and giggled... out loud... not crazy at all over here folks... really. I went to the restroom, ate my banana, blah blah, blah. P.s. convenient time to remember I sometimes get heartburn from bananas. After I ate the banana. Good job Morgan. I even got hit on by a couple of volunteers (out of deference for the ol' bf, I'll leave out whether or not they were cute... but since I'm mentioning it... I'm pretty sure you can guess...). And seeing as how there were lots of skinnier girls and in my opinion, cuter, I felt pretty good about that. Me without make-up and war gear on, I feel kind of naked. So flashing the ol' smile does get you somewhere sometimes.

I didn't go. We started about 3 minutes after the runners and I started my HR monitor then. I have to admit to something here. I almost cried. Which really didn't help the running part of that equation mind you. I have never been a runner, I have never wanted to be a runner, but it has been so long since I've been an athlete, something I was always so proud of and here I was again, doing it.
And proceeded to run a 12 minute mile. I run 14 minute miles generally. So apparently the tears that choked me up and the sloshing bladder didn't hold me up much...
I ran in 7:1 splits, which worked out well for me. I ran the first mile hitting 12:00, the second hitting 24:30 and ended it out with 38:35. I don't know the official time yet, but that's my HR monitor for ya. I'll be checking the official when I remember to do so.

That's the time chip on my shoe.
Did I mention my personal best, set all of a week ago the second time I ran outdoors, was 44:45?
That means I blasted that bad out of the water. What beats a goddess? Cause this girl is IT. Well, in my own world. And maybe in someone else's for all of five minutes.
And when I came running in, one of the love's of my life was there - Derrick. Joe was stuck at home waiting for the water heater dude, but Derrick still came. Yay for having wonderful people in your life who wake up early and drive to timbuktu to cheer you on and be there for you at the end. Love that man.
And that ladies and gents, is the end of my story. I'm about to go take a loooooooooooooooong hot shower and then get on with a busy bee kind of day. I'm hitting up the Taste of Georgetown with the gal I call my little sister and will have five samples of foods from various restaurants and then walk a solid distance to the bar where Cal is playing UCLA (not at the bar, but on the tv...). Then... HOME. To write a paper. No rest for the weary on this Saturday! But what a wonderful day already.
I have a tendency to be incredibly difficult on myself. Nothing I do is ever quite good enough for me.
But today... today was not only good enough, but I blew myself away. And for once, I am utterly and completely proud of myself.

And that... is that. Love you all!
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