Friday, February 27, 2009

Hollywood as a Standard of Beauty

It is a joke.

This standard of beauty: to be tall(ish at the very least), thin (actually, emaciated), over-processed hair, whiter than paper teeth that are perfectly straight, with at least 20 botox treatments under their belt (okay, I may exaggerate just a tad...). Regardless, this is a basic overview of what the Hollywood standard of beauty is and it is shown in most Hollywood stars.

This standard is absolutely unhealthy, not to mention unobtainable to those who have no money for trainers, nutritionists, and stylists. Yet... why do we, as a society, continue to play into this notion of beauty?!

First off, it must be said. I personally find this notion of beauty butt-ugly. Now that that has been said...

Over the past few weeks there has been a bru-ha-ha over Jessica Simpson gaining weight. The first picture of her with this weight gain appeared weeks ago and yet, it is still somehow relevant? I was watching CNN this morning and the outgoing Miss America, Kristin Haglund, appeared on the show. She was the first Miss America to make eating disorders her platform and appeared on the show to discuss eating disorders and Jessica Simpson - well, as much as she can discuss in the all of seven minutes they gave her (just to note, she was quite well-spoken, I was most impressed), which simply ticked me off all over again about the issue. I haven't bought a trash mag since this nuttiness because I was so annoyed by such negative coverage.

When I look at these pictures of Jessica Simpson, I still see a healthy woman. She's, what, a size 4? 6? Oh wow, obesity clinics around the country should be calling her. I mean, what is this?! She's the epitome of a normal, healthy woman - hell, even "skinny" based on the national average of 12-14 (don't quote me, it's been a while since I looked up that statistic). So how is it that she is fat? And why is it that we all play into this disgusting standard of beauty that is not reasonable or healthy? We should be taking pride in what the body can do and pushing to be as healthy as possible for your lifestyle and interests, not judging or being overly critical.

Upshot is? My new thesis will involve this bs standard of beauty. How? You'll be finding out when the sucker is written - guess you'll just have to wait and see!

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